Bright Red Oversized Organic Cotton Sweater with Special, Original and Handprinted Statement - More Myself
Better* than yesterdays self 2.0
More self than yesterdays self -
Every day I strive to become a better version of my yesterdays self. One day that means a productive work day followed by a sweat stream generating 2 hour gym sesh or a run. The next day that might mean listening to that inner voice that tells you to relax and recover. And sometimes it is just about accepting that life is hectic right now and it might not change in a while, and by accepting that this is going to be a time that you might struggle a bit. And accepting that this is ok as well. The better version of yourself is the same unique you. You are only accepting yourself and your life and making the most of it. Its all about your own personal improvement. No one can show you your path up the hill, only you know the way. Be your best guide to an even better and more true self.
For me mostly that means being myself by learning to listen to my inner voice more. Remembering that I am the one living my life and being responsible for my own happiness. At the end of the day I am the one that have to live with myself the most hours of the day.
* stronger, happier, smarter, chiller, calmer, friendlier, funnier, nicer, fiercer etc.
I am more self than yesterdays self
only 2 pieces in size L and XL left. They are oversized, but have a cool design (that looks great even if it is supposedly too large).